It was AmAZiNG !!!!! i left you review #98...... i think.
i won't repeat my review here, but i gave the most info i have ever given in a long time.
I just love the idea of mixing genres !!!!! keep thinking!!!
and in the review i left opinions of a sequel to the Eternal Red. i couldn't finish becuz i got tired. so continueing......... (if you wish) a future sequel could use wall defenses to help out more (i really think so).
i was in a virtually undistructable mode after the 70 levels in easy. but as i went on, i couldn't help but notice that life is harder for the walking creeps (not that i care).
but then there is only flying creeps making it to the portal.
I really think its that the walking creeps take more attack: cieling turrets, floor traps.
if there could be a slowing weapon that can be used on the flying creeps, that would be just dandy. :)
but i really really would like to know.
what is the name of the flash program(s) you use?
and are they also capable of making flash movies?
it would make me such a *HAPPY CAMPER* if you would PM me..... :3
-you rock
Its great how your covering more genres, and its even better your doing it so well. Eternal Red is one of the best games I have ever played on Newgrounds. I've said it before, but can't wait until next one.