I am diseased.

Sean McGee @Weasel

Age 37, Male

Game Designer


Austin, TX

Joined on 6/19/03

Exp Points:
640 / 710
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
5.03 votes
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Woah. This is awesome! The game is great! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Thanks ^_^ Hopefully my next game will stand up next to this one >_>

If you are going to do the fifth part then it is necessary to do a plot about other hero. I tell it having considered some skins of characters. Simply already there was such incident in Saint's Row 2 - in the first part like there was a man, and in the second it is possible to create the woman also... I do not see logic here. In any case you hold a lath. Continue in the same spirit. =)


Great!!!! I have seriously enjoyed the whole series (especially the arenas) Oh, and I know this probably will be impossible, but, maybe you could make like, a connection to say if you've done certain things on previous games you unlock things in the new games? Idk, great job anyway! :D

Glad you like the TT series. I wouldn't know how to connect games to one another, since local shared objects are specific to directories. It's a cool thought, though.

best 2D action games on the net. EVER.

Exellent and adictive game!!. The intro is amazing!!

Im waiting a sequel of Eternal Red >=D

I'm glad the intro paid off, then. I can't stand animating >_>


it's really great, and it runs very smoothly, even when there's insane amounts of gore, weapons, bullet shell, and players on the screen.

That said, all those extra details are awesome as well!

One thing I would say is that it could use a challenge system, I dunno, like different versions of games that had a finite ending point when you killed a certain number of enemies or reached a time limit. If it is just an endless hoarde of people, once you get a stratgey down it gets repetitive.

Another thing you could do would be to update it to include newgrounds achievements when that feature is opened to the public! Or that could be thing thing arena 4.

Anyways, great job!

The game is designed to be fairly casual. The achievements system gives you something to shoot for when playing, aside from score.
NG medals would be pretty sweet, though!

fucking awesum!!! :P

The core gameplay has improved greatly, and the new scoring system is alot more interesting, yet I still end up getting bored sooner than I should with such a well-made game. I guess I'm just not into score-oriented games...but I think it might have something to do with the removal of different game modes. I liked having multiple types of enemies like in TTA2. It made developing a strategy much harder, and kept things overal more interesting.

My favorite "Thing Thing Arena" game so far! I love executing them with the pipe! >:)
But I miss the zombies and those brown little things, were their name "Stinky beans" or something!? If you'll make an Thing Thing Arena 4, ad them in other survival modes like in the first one in it! Then it would be so good! Or make an ultimate survival mode! :D
But anyways... I love TTA3! :3

simple amazing i hope to see online play in the 4th 1!

Thanks! Though, I wouldn't hold your breath on an online TT game. It's a pretty frequent request, and I'd actually really like to do something like that, it's out of my realm of ability...
I dunno, maybe some day, but like I said, don't count on it for now.

This game is awesome, it nearly beats Thing-Thing 4 in it's awesomeness...nearly :P When/If you make a Thing-Thing arena 4, you should definitely make it multilayer online with levels and stuff.


oh and I just saw the comment above my other one, so my response to that would be to just hire a multiplayer online coder for the online part and do the rest yourself :D

Another thing I've considered doing. Maybe....maaaaaayyyybeeee.....

Cool! I like how the health is similar to the 4th Thing Thing, Really fun!

As awesome as TT was, got a bit boring after the ten-thousandth sequel. lo

Just to spite you, I'm going to make 9,993 more TT games. Then we'll see who's laughing!

yea i know, it is excellent, I got on the leader boards as number 23 as the name,"E and R"

you ever think of making a movie to go w the game you got the skills to make a story line. by the way love the new game^^

I can't stand animating, actually. The opening cutscene took forever, mostly because I just didn't like doing it.
Maybe some TT fan on NG will fill in the gaps some day.

Sorry but I really did not like this game very much... It feels like a downgrade from arena 2. Maybe you should have put more of an effort into it?

hello weasel i am your evil unknown brother but all i can say is finaly more thing thing it great its all the world needs and it the t portal a good kick in the ass ill rate 5 every day just for you weasel

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